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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Keith Olberman - Kind of Pompous, But Kind of Right

He may be a little over the top with his bluster, but I thought this clip from his show last night hit a lot closer to the mark than I did. I may be falling for a cheap trick, but I also dig the hat tip to Murrow at the end of his rants.

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Blogger Nato said...

Wow, quite the rant. It's nice to see a professional actually living up to the title with some well thought out, structured, and articulated commentary.

My response to Ferraro's comments had been hearty laughter. I simply could not believe that someone as worldly and savvy and operator as our only female VP candidate would not see the irony calling a serious black candidate essentially a straw man for affirmative action when she was supporting a candidate of a different minority.

Olberman points out a different take (though a bit obtusely). It hadn't occurred to me that this was what Clinton's death-throes look like. This is the hardest-hardball I've heard of. (Well next to the Swift-boaters) I believe that sending a supporter "off the ranch" to say something dangerous is a planned campaign strategy. I think there are supporters with enough loyalty (true believers if you will) who would be willing to sacrfice themselves for the sake of the campaign like Ferraro did. I could easily see the campaign deciding that her comments were a powerfull enough message to warrant the danger, and 'released her' to make the comments knowing they had some chance to dis-avow later.

Either way, Olberman is right, this event is damning for Clinton. Either she cannot control her campaign, or she chose this message. And if she chose the message then she is either delusional in thinking America won't see that if the mud sticks to Obama, it sticks to her, or she is entirely aware of the all of the risk and reward of this play, in which case I would argue she is morally bankrupt in her play for power.

All of this casts her in a very negative light.

Though there is a strong case to be made for wanting a cut-throat bastard in the White House...

Thanks for sharing this clip.

3:41 PM  

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