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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Be careful if you have a wide stance

I'm no great fan of our national elected officials, the Republican brand in particular, so the travails of Senator Larry Craig would normally inspire a healthy amount of schadenfreude. It's not that I enjoy the thought of homosexuals getting busted for being gay, quite the opposite in fact. If you want to cruise the picturesque bathrooms of the Lindbergh Terminal in Minneapolis or Union Station in D.C., I believe that is you god given right.

You probably shouldn't actually be copulating in there, though. I don't want to hear it while I'm trying to use the bathroom with out touching any fixtures, and copulation participants should be concerned with the cleanliness of the floors in addition to the cleanliness of their partners.

But whatever. Where you're going at it with another consenting adult is not really the point here. I'm more concerned with the fact that Senator Craig runs with a gang that's bread and butter is carrying around a big sign that reads 'God Hates Homos.' When your campaign contributions and votes come from the same sort of people that beat Matthew Shepard to death, you don't get to hang out in the 'gay' bathroom at the Minneapolis airport without someone calling hypocrite on you.

My first reaction to another Republican Senator engaging in behavior that was clearly gay while stridently declaring that he was as straight as the Marlboro man was to realize that Freud was right about a couple of things. But after the initial joy over another conservative hypocrite getting caught trying to bash gays in bathrooms in between bashing gays in the Senate I had a realization. This guy didn't really do anything wrong. Unless I'm drastically misinterpreting the available information, Craig didn't even get to the good parts of this Slate article before he was arrested.

Craig was arrested for tapping his foot underneath a bathroom stall. To my knowledge he didn't offer anyone money. He wasn't actually engaging in a sexual act when he was busted by an undercover cop.

According to USA Today's account of the police report, "At 1216 hours, Craig tapped his right foot. I recognized this as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct. Craig tapped his toes several times and moves his foot closer to my foot. ... Craig then proceeded to swipe his hand under the stall divider several times."

Can they really bust someone for that? Swiping his hand underneath his bathroom stall? What if he was just out of toilet paper? Can't somebody spare a square for Senator Craig?

I'm far too lazy to look up the actual statute that supports this charge, but unless he actually 'presents' himself, as Christopher Bean of Slate so eloquently put it, this really isn't much different than the time I made kissing gestures at the cute girl sitting next to me in traffic.

So instead of doing cartwheels over another member joining the 'Mark Foley Club for Sexually Hypocritical Legislators' people should be considering the fact that you can get arrested for taping your foot in the bathroom.

Think about that the next time you've got a song stuck in your head and nature calls.

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Blogger Nato said...


This poor news topic has also been on my mind this morning, as I just read a Slate article about Craig's creation of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy for the miliary, which apparently is actually "We'll figure out a way for you get convicted of perjury unless you tell" policy.

So while the actual statute that Craig pleaded guilty of was something like "creating a public nuisance" with like a $750 fine, the hubbub is all about his politics. If it was that gay senator, the right would just be all over it too. (See can't trust him in public!)

So really I have no simpathy for this asshole. Live by the sword, die by the sword. He unleashed an injustice into the world, it is very Saturday morning cartoon justice for him to get nabbed by it in the end.

Good riddance you "God Loves you unless you like the wrong 49% of his creations", 'extreme sex, hypocrite.

On the plus side, kinda funny that liberal, live and let live, Minnesota was the place he got nailed (or 'not nailed') for "conduct unbecoming a soldier".

Hope you aren't cookin in DC, hope to get a chance to call you this weekend and catch up.


11:12 AM  

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