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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Problem Solved

While watching the only slightly over-rated “Letters from Iwo Jima” a few nights ago, I had a sudden insight about the way our government is fighting the war in Iraq. It was so simple and fair that I was amazed it hadn't been thought of already*. The U.S. government should be issuing war bonds! Instead of allowing future generations of Americans to pay for the war in Iraq (plus interest) in the form of the national debt, we should be paying for this war as we go.

The administration misses no opportunity to compare the current war to World War II, and it’s nothing short of a complete marketing blunder to miss this crucial product tie-in. Instead of patriotic Americans spending $2.99 on a yellow-ribbon car magnet to demonstrate their patriotism and support for our fighting men and women, they could purchase genuine %100 authentic U.S. War Bonds. With easy-to-manage-on-any-budget minimum denominations of $1,000, I’m sure that the %30 of the country that supports George Bush would buy as many as 6 or 7 of these things.

Consider the myriad ways that money could be spent. With $7,000 the frugal bargain hunters at the Pentagon could buy any of the following…

- 2 M-16s

- Personal Body Armor (partial set)

- 10 pairs of combat boots

- 20 MREs

- 30 gallons of gas

And so on…

I read a fairly broad cross section of news and politics, including quite a few conservative blog summaries, and it really surprises me that I haven’t seen more outcry from conservative news sources and blogs asking the federal government to issue war bonds. Of course, in order for war bonds to make fiscal sense these bonds would have to produce extremely low yields, but buyers would be investing in America and supporting the war at the same time. What god-fearing, patriotic, conservative American wouldn’t jump at the chance to do that?

So let me be the first to sound the call. We need War Bonds. Once all of the patriotic Americans like Sean Hannity, Michell Malkin, and Ann Coulter have put their money wear their mouths are, there will be no need for the President to request another supplemental funding bill.

*My apologies if some patriotic conservative is already advocating this. Is it you Ollie North? I'll be it is.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome! Great post.

Glad to see you when you were in MN. Had a really good time hanging out with you and Snuffy again.

I'm still hoping to see Iwo.. I hadn't heard anything about it, and I thought Flags was both great and over rated/let down at the same time.


1:02 PM  
Blogger DC Viking said...

Don't get me wrong, Letters from Iwo Jima was a good movie, just not great, which was how it was hyped. It had a few problems with the pacing, and I don't think it would have recieved nearly the same level of critical attention if it hadn't been directed by Clint.

10:15 AM  

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